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Club Rules

Last Amended: 2024

1. The Club shall be called "Hall Green Bowling Club".
The Headquarters shall be The Bulls Head, Stratford Road, Hall Green, Birmingham.

2. The Officers of the Club shall consist of the President, Senior Vice President, Chairperson, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Club Captain.

3. The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the above named six Officers together with seven members. Seven members present to form a Quorum. Committee meetings shall be chaired by the Chairperson, or in his absence the President, and will be held in the Clubhouse on the second Monday in every month, unless otherwise arranged. If all Committee positions are not filled, the Quorum shall be altered accordingly.

4. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the third Sunday in January, but the Committee could change the date of the AGM in exceptional circumstances. The Secretary to notify members seven days before a General Meeting. Only fully paid up members shall attend any General Meeting. At this meeting the Officers of the Club shall be elected and the Report and Balance Sheet, duly audited, shall be presented. The Officers of the President, Senior Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected for a term of two years, two of these Officers retiring each year by rotation. Other Officers and Committee members shall be elected for one year. Retiring Officers and Committee members shall be eligible to offer themselves for re-election.

5.a. No member shall be elected in his/hers absence to hold office at the Annual General Meeting unless an apology has been received and the member has signified his willingness to accept nomination.

5.b. No member shall be elected as an Officer of the Club or a member of the committee for the first 2 years of their membership.

6. No alteration shall be made to these Rules except at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting, called for the purpose, on the application of not less than ten members, Twenty one days notice of such alteration in writing to be given to the Secretary.

7. The Committee shall be the sole Authority for interpreting these Rules and shall have the power to deal with any matter not provided for in these Rules.

8. The Annual subscription shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting. Subscriptions are due at the A.G.M. And must be paid before entry in any Club Competition or League Fixture. Members not having paid their annual subscription by 1st April may forfeit membership. Applicants being accepted into membership between January and June shall pay the full subscription. Applicants accepted between July and September shall pay half the normal subscriptions. Applicants accepted after September shall pay a nominal subscription of £1.00.

9. There shall be four categories of membership as follows:

A. Ordinary Members who shall be any member between the ages of 21 and 65 years.

B. Junior Members who shall be any member below the age of 21 years.

C. Senior Members who shall be any member over the age of 65 years.

D. Life Members who have given outstanding service to the Club over many years. Life Members only be elected by the general membership at the Annual General Meeting. No more than 10 current Life Members at any time

10.a. Any person wishing to become a member shall be proposed by a member, seconded by another member, and approved at the discretion of the Committee. The Committee reserve the right to interview prospective members.
On approval, new members will be subject to a probationary period of two weeks. During this time their name will be shared with existing members who may raise any concerns or objections with the Committee. The Committee reserves the right to cancel membership during the probationary period if there is valid reason to do so. If membership is cancelled during the probationary period, membership subscriptions paid shall be refunded along with key deposit, and any keys provided must be returned.
All members shall be subject to re-election at the first Committee Meeting each year.

10.b. No member shall act as a proposer or seconder of a person wishing to become a member for the first 12 months of their membership.

11. Any members misconducting themselves shall be dealt with by the Committee, who shall have the power to return their subscriptions and expel them from the Club.

12. It shall be a condition of membership that members agree to records relating to Club activities including names, addresses and telephone numbers being computerised.

13. Any member or members who have a grievance relating to the affairs of the Club or any of its members shall forward same in writing to the Secretary not later than 7 days before any monthly meeting, the matter will then be dealt with by the Committee.

14. All games to be played under British Crown Green Bowling Association Rules.

15. The Green to be reserved for members only during the season. If conditions permit, members may invite guests to use the green. A green fee, as determined at the AGM, must be paid for each occasion a guest is invited. The Visitors Book must be signed by the member introducing the guest.

16. Any Officers or members of the Committee, or majority of same on the ground, may prohibit play when the Green is in an unfit condition.

17. Ladies shall have priority use of the green on Tuesday evenings, subject to the green being required for Tuesday League fixtures.

18. Premier and Alliance Team Captains are to agree each of their team selections, including named reserves, and these are to be displayed on the Club Notice Board, NOT LATER THAN 4 DAYS BEFORE the scheduled Match day.
