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Club Competition Rules

Last Amended: Feb 2025

1. All Club Competitions will be organised by the Main Committee.

2. A form will be placed or hung in the Pavilion fourteen days before the said Competitions and must be signed by the member. The Main Committee will set dates for each Competition. When handicaps are being played they shall be given preference, no more than four ends to be on the Green at this time. Handicaps will not be given preference on Friday evenings.

3. The various Club Competitions eligibility is listed below:

Club Championship
Westlands Cup
Vice Presidents Cup
Club Doubles
Anniversary Trophy
Jim Morrey Memorial
Arthur Jays Trophy
Handicap Cup
Windridge Cup
League Cup

4. The Arthur Jays Trophy is only open to members aged 60 years or over, on the day of the Competition.

5. The Jim Morrey Memorial Trophy shall be played as a doubles competition.

6. The Championship Cup, Senior Vice President Cup, Westlands Cup, Windridge Cup, League Cup, Club Doubles, Jim Morrey Memorial, Anniversary Trophy and Arthur Jays Trophy Competitions to be completed in one day, weather permitting. All members competing must be present at the time of the draw, unless they are competing in a league fixture for the Club.

7. The Westlands Cup Competition is open to all members who have not won a single competition, either Club Competition, or League Averages during the current season.

8. The Handicap Cup, Windridge Cup, and Westlands Cups Competitions shall be played off handicaps, other Club Competitions to be off scratch.

9. The Main Committee shall determine members handicaps before the start of the season, and these handicaps will remain unchanged throughout that season. In event of any additional information as to the form of any member becoming available to the Official Handicappers after the handicap for the season has been framed, the handicappers shall have the power to revise the handicap of any member in accordance herewith.

10. Club Averages shall be determined on total aggregate. Only league matches to be included. To qualify for inclusion in the averages, the total number of games played by a member must be equal to at least 60% of the total number of games played by the team in whose averages they are included. The 60% to include games played for both Premier and Alliance teams. A player who has played for both Premier and Alliance teams shall have their averages determined in the team for which they have played most games. In the event that a player plays an equal number of games for both Premier and Alliance teams, their averages shall be included in the Premier team. An Alliance players POSITIVE score gained whilst playing for the Premier team WILL be transferred down to count towards the final Alliance averages, but a players POSITIVE score gained whilst playing for the Alliance team, cannot be transferred up to count towards the final Premier averages. A player whose opponent fails to appear for a match shall, for average purposes, be credited with 21-11 (Home) or 21-15 (Away).

11. Invitation to compete in external competitions shall be determined as follows:
The previous year's Club Championship Cup winner.

The previous year's YW & District Premier Averages Winner

In the event of the Winner not being available to compete, the invitation shall be offered to the runner-up. If neither Winner or Runner-up are available, the competitor shall be chosen by the Committee.

The Main Committee will nominate up to 6 members in August who they consider have contributed most to the Club’s affairs during the year.
The award is awarded annually and shall be decided by a vote of all members.
Each voting member will select one nominee from the nominee list.
The voting shall be organised by the Main Committee.
A member cannot receive this award two years running.
